Diseases start from heart, from mind, from the conception of the world and from mental imbalance. A suppression of feelings, emotions and inner feelings lead in time to the accumulation of stress, frustration, negative and pessimistic thoughts, all this leads to physical and mental illness. Strong emotional conflicts, causes, where are accumulated and amplified over time, chronic and serious illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, hepatitis, various tumors, autoimmune diseases, etc.. These are just some of the diseases caused by imbalance between soul and mind.
We propose to start an education of the soul, mind and body!


Three Medicinal Uses of Chili, Which Certainly Never Knew

It proved that red chili pepper has the ability to reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels and prevent blood clots. It has been scientifically proven that people include in their daily diet chili, reduce their risk of suffering a heart attack or a stroke.

Chili contain large amounts of vitamin C and beta-carotene. It can regulate blood flow and can strengthen the heart, arteries and nerves. It also contains vitamins K and B6, potassium, dietary fiber, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid, iron, magnesium and phosphorus.

Chili cause rapid burning of body fat. For people with asthma, chronic bronchitis, sinusitis and congestion due to colds or flu, it is recommended chili consumption because it acts as an expectorant

Capsaicin from chili peppers reduces the intensity of pain by interfering with substance P, a neurotransmitter found in nerve and brain eyebrows, responsible for the occurrence of painful sensations.

Capsaicin extract can be applied to the affected area, but be careful, because burn through gloves very strong and can cause severe irritation. A good example of local analgesic based on chili, is patch joints, which heats the region that is applied and relieves pain and swelling.

Studies show  - chili, reduce body weight

It has been scientifically proven that the substance which contains chili peppers - capsaicin - reduce body weight by increasing energy consumption and decrease appetite. Several studies have confirmed the real effect of capsaicin in fat burning, so people who use chili in slimming regime not wrong at all.

A study in 2010 by researchers at the Center for Human Nutrition at the University of California showed that chili is an ally in the diets, since the main substance that makes chili peppers spicy taste, capsaicin, helps burn fat body, reduces appetite and speeds up metabolism.

Another study in the same year at Daegu University in South Korea show that chili stimulate the activity of proteins that helps to break down fat cells and at the same time reduces the activity of enzymes responsible for fat accumulation, preventing the development of mature fat cells.

Aphrodisiac and anti-alcoholic

Consumed fresh in small quantities, chili has aphrodisiac effects. Tincture on chili is used in rehab. For this leave to soak 100 grams of chili in 100 grams of alcohol. After one week, filtered and administered ten drops in a bitter tea, every time there is a need to consume alcohol.

Paprika is excellent for circulation

The best remedies for cardiovascular diseases is chili, because reduce blood cholesterol and triglycerides and strengthens the heart. Also reduce the possibility of blood clots, dilated capillaries, while having anti-inflammatory properties. Studies in Canada have shown that the substance responsible for this effect is capsaicin. This reduces the level of cholesterol in the liver, stimulates bile, helping to eliminate cholesterol through the intestine. Capsaicin thins the blood, thus preventing clot formation and vascular-cerebral injuries.

It was also shown that the active components of chili leading to dilation of blood vessels and thus lower blood pressure.

When it is contraindicated chili

Chili has the bad reputation that can cause ulcers. Contrary to common belief, its consumption does not cause heartburn and causes no damage to the digestive system. On the contrary, it seems that protects the gastric wall of the undesirable effects of some substances as anti-inflammatory drugs and alcohol. Some epidemiological studies show even low incidence of gastric cancer in people consuming chili. It is recommended, however, that active ulcers, to avoid its consumption. In anticipation of other research to better assess this, it is wise capsaicin supplements be taken with caution, testing the tolerance and respecting personal manufacturer's recommendations. People with irritable bowel syndrome may experience an intolerance to chili, and those with gastro esophageal reflux is best to avoid strong spices. And in the case of hemorrhoids, the chili should be consumed in moderation as it encourages tooth crisis and disrupts venous return. Beware chili powder, because inhaling it can cause bronchoconstriction. Also, some people may experience allergic reactions to eating chili peppers. It is important to wash hands thoroughly after using capsaicin products. Contact with mucous, especially the eye, can trigger a sensation of burning alive.


Exclusive! Win a free brochure!

The first 10 people who will follow me through email, will win an exclusive electronic brochure. On August 1, 2015 brochure will be delivered via email.
The brochure will be dedicated to BANANAS. It is a brochure that you will not find anywhere. You will learn all about bananas. How to use, the diseases they treat, and many other facts or information that you did not know about using bananas.
Do not forget follow me through the email and you will only gain.
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Most 5 Popular Articles - May

Bananas, Ginger, Garcinia, and Garlic, are just some of the topics that is of interest on this blog, in the first month of its release. On this occasion I will made monthly, a Top 5 Most Popular Articles and most searched words on this blog.

 Most Viewed

1. Few Know the Following Startling Facts About Bananas
2. Discovery: Plants that Help Increase Muscle Mass
3. Miracle Fruit
4. Garlic - Biblical Cure
5. Miraculous Drink That Kills any Infection in the Body

Most Searched

1.  Cancer
2.  Diet/Weight Lose
3.  Diabetes
4.  Insomnia
5.  Headaches


The Main Cause of Cancer is Not a Genetic Cause - Part II

Secondary causes of cancer

In fact, every supposed cause of cancer mentioned nowadays in the media in health and nutrition, is a secondary question.

Secondary causes include things such as the environment, carcinogenic chemicals, radiation and environmental health, trans fats, food additives, chemicals in cigarette smoke, viruses and even genetic mutations.

There are many secondary causes of cancer, and minimize them and their causes can be helpful in preventing cancer. But the endless pursuit of new cases, secondary, such as smoking, without explaining specifically the joint effect they have on the cells, however, did not lead and will never lead scientists to a cure for cancer true.

Dr. Warburg cautioned us often about wasting precious time by pursuing secondary causes. Do not make the mistakes in this regard: the thing every secondary cause of cancer has in common with each other is to lead, directly or indirectly, lack of oxygen in cells. Thus, while directly addressing the question of how to get enough oxygen into cells, we minimize the threat posed by each type of secondary cause.

Exercise is not a solution to get rid of cancer

I know you think each of you: "Doing more exercise oxygenate my blood. Therefore fight against cancer! "No. All these exercises have not prevented the world champion cyclist Lance Armstrong would contract cancer. It is true that the exercises are increasing oxygenation of the blood. However, in doing so, we cannot guarantee that all the oxygen will be transferred effectively to each cell in every organ of the body. Dr. Warburg has made clear that oxygen alone is not enough: "Cancer can develop even in the presence of oxygen as free gas in the atmosphere because oxygen might fail to get a sufficient amount of cells body, or respiratory cells under development may not be saturated with the active groups. "Many factors contribute to the lack of oxygen in cells, including certain deficiencies we will talk about soon. The exercise, by itself, is not the solution for us not to get cancer. Many people, including athletes, exercisers regularly fall ill with cancer. Moreover, a person breathes at least 17,000 times per day (12 breaths per minute). Do you really think that not enough oxygen inspired by the 17,000 breaths a day? Yes.

Essential fatty acids and oils containing them

Our body needs some special fats - which have a key role in other bodily functions - that facilitates the absorption of oxygen into cells through cell membranes. These special fats absorb oxygen well. Called essential fatty acids (EFAs), these special fats must be absorbed daily from the outside via the diet. Two families acids allow the body to produce essential fat people, of them, everything he needs, that various kinds of "derivatives" essential fatty acids. The family is referred to as omega-6 linoleic acid (LA) and the omega-3 family is referred to as alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Olive oil, it contains mainly omega-9 oil nonessential made right in your body. Extra-virgin olive oil is traditionally unprocessed and therefore carcinogenic, but in the end, we will not protect you against contracting cancer. Avoid margarine, it will not spoil when left out of the refrigerator. This is proof that hydrogenated oil can no longer oxygenate. If he could oxygenate when consumption would become rancid when left outside the refrigerator - just like fish. Canola oil and soy oils are not recommended, nor were they intended for human consumption, but as food for animals in farms and industrial applications. Many foods, especially salad dressings now contain canola oil. Try to avoid it. To maintain the properties important nutritional oils should not be cooked, but at most only slightly heated.

Essential fatty acids - oxygen magnets

Think of these polyunsaturated essential fatty acids like some "magnets" that draw oxygen. Evidence of this can be found in the most famous medical books and journals worldwide such as Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry in (Edition XXVI-a) 40 or in Human Nutrition Clinical Nutrition published in July 1984.41

EFAs are an integral part of the structure and function of cellular respiration. Without greater efficiency respiratory, cancer appears very soon. These cell membrane EFA which draws oxygen into the blood stream and it is transferred into the cell, just like sponges small absorbing oxygen. This process should occur in each of the 100 trillion cells of the body.

So no matter how long or how much movement you breathe if you have no functional EFAs at the cellular level, then your cells will not absorb enough oxygen in the bloodstream and you will be more susceptible to cancer. Remember that the "threshold" at which cancer is emerging is a decrease of 35% oxygen at the cellular level. Without a continuous supply of EFAs come from food, cellular oxygen transfer is significantly reduced. Imagine what would happen if you had 100 trillion cells would be deficient in a vital substance used to absorb oxygen. Here's an example that shows how these essential fats absorb oxygen.

The supermarket fish breaks down within days because fish oil well absorbed oxygen - it reacts rapidly with oxygen in the air. The fish spoil quickly because the oil contains essential fatty acids that have the capacity to absorb a large amount of oxygen. This chemical process called oxidation. This is also true for other types of essential fats. They do their job of absorbing oxygen, but thanks to this function have a limited lifespan. They simply will not work after a short period of time. AGE become "consumed" that is rancid. Therefore, they must be replaced daily through food - nature created us so.

There are several ways to enrich oxygen to the bloodstream, such as through exercise, drinking water or breathing air rich in pure oxygen. However, these partial solutions are insufficient for maximum protection against cancer. When an EFA deficiency is solved, every organ becomes its own "magnet" of oxygen, just as nature intended.

The Main Cause of Cancer is Not a Genetic Cause - Part I

Once cancer has been an unusual illness that affects a small percentage of Americans. In 1900, only 3% of the population died of cancer. Now, cancer has become so common that virtually everyone knows someone who suffers from this terrible disease. In fact, for the average American, illness of cancer is no exception; on the contrary, it has become a rule.

We have come to accept cancer as unstoppable, incurable and even a natural part of life.

This way of looking at things is tragic since cancer is not a natural process and can be prevented. Shocking to most people is that it is scientifically proven that the disease is genetically recessive, not dominant. In fact, the human body is highly resistant to cancer. In 1969, Professor Henry Harris of Oxford University shook the cancer research community, it has demonstrated that these theories are not true. Professor Harris took normal tissue cells and infused into these three types of cancer. Surely, he thought, the cancer cells would eventually win the usual ones, will "transform" into cancer cells. Surprisingly, however, the cells have developed normally.

Contrary to popular opinion, it takes decades for cancer to develop in humans. Due to the long incubation periods, science can show us how to destroy any form of initial precancerous cells and cancerous prevent degradation produces widespread.

If you believe in the existence of a genetic basis of cancer, then think again once. Dr. Robert A. Weinberg of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), one of the leading cancer researchers and discoverer of the so-called oncogenes (cancer-causing gene) completely changed the conclusions reached after discovering that " less than one in a million DNA base appears to be copied wrong ". This is not a defect! His exact words are: "Something was very wrong. The notion that a cancer develops through a series of successive activation of oncogenes has lost touch with reality. "He called the genetic discoveries made up to that point as" sterile ". Therefore, the primary cause of cancer is not genetic. This was announced in 1998. Have you heard of him? Probably not.

In 2006, leaders of the largest cancer research center in Houston, Texas, announced that cancer's prime cause is not genetic: "If it could have happened [solving cancer with genetics] would have already solved through genetic mutations, "said William Brinkley, one of the vice-presidents from Baylor who says other research should take precedence over the cancer genome project... Dr. John Mendelsohn [president of the Center for cancer MD Anderson] says, "Any claims that this [genetic research] will be the key to curing cancer are not appropriate."

The primary cause of cancer is not a genetic mutation. Even if "there is cancer in your family," there is real hope. Unfortunately, the geneticists have it back, trying to force the facts to fit their genetics-based theories when they do not fit the facts, because, as Professor Harris demonstrated many years ago, cancer is not genetically dominant. Where does this leave us? Where can we look for solutions? What about the popular nutritional solutions to fighting cancer?

Dr. Otto Warburg's cancer research

Many of my fellow doctors were shocked to discover these truths. How many of us saw these important discoveries reported in the media? Unfortunately, not much. Do not despair because there is an answer to the problem of cancer. It was discovered in 1925 by Otto Warburg, PhD. In medicine. Dr. Warburg was named the greatest biochemist of the twentieth century; the large number and importance of his discoveries qualify him as the most accomplished biochemist of all time.

In the 20s, Dr. Warburg undertook research in respiratory enzymes, certain vitamins and minerals that the body needs to use oxygen to the cells, research that won him the Nobel Prize in 1931. (Today, these vitamins and minerals are referred to as "co-enzyme".)

The Nobel Committee assigned medicine was expected to benefit from vital discoveries about cancer of Dr. Otto Warburg. Unfortunately, politics intervened and cancer was not removed.

Despite its early successes and honors, Dr Warburg continued to make fundamental discoveries even in his last years of life, thus totaling a career of 60 years of research with stunning results. In addition, Dr. Warburg often created new tools for his research. For example, he discovered a way to measure the pressure of oxygen in a living cell by developing a special gauge - an important development that led to his discovery: that pressure and lower oxygen concentration always predict cancer.

Dr. Warburg achievements are to be isolated functional main cause cancer. Rather than working on a theoretical level, too far removed from the realities of cancer physiological to be able to provide practical therapies and preventive programs, he described the actual conditions and causes cancer cells establishes, and thus gave others the opportunity to further develop practical ways to stop cancer growth.

It is unbelievable that no principle of his many important discoveries have been used by the American research community in preventing and treating cancer and stopping remission. Despite some debate on the direction and validity of Warburg doctor work, no scientist or researcher has ever disproved the validity, correctness or applicability of these important discoveries in cancer prevention and treatment. Even today, medical consensus often has little to do with science. The policy has squandered the efforts of many researchers in the cancer field.

The main cause of cancer

We got used so much to be told that "someday" we discover what causes cancer and that is the greatest mystery of modern medicine that what follows may seem hard to believe.

Dr. Otto Warburg discovered and clearly stated that the main and most important cause of cancer is too little oxygen enters the cell. "The experiments we find that 35% inhibition of oxygen respiration already sufficient to entail such a transformation during cell growth," he said in 1966 at a conference of Nobel Laureates in Lindau, Germany.

Relying on meticulous experiments that he and many others have been verified many times, Dr. Warburg discovered and stated that the main and the number one cause of cancer is too little oxygen getting into the cell (hypoxia).

Once a cell becomes cancerous, it cannot return to normal; must be destroyed (Science 1956; 123 (3191)).

When I first encountered this information did not come to believe. To my amazement, the information on the link between cancer and oxygen have been published many times in recent cancer, ex. Radiotherapy and Oncology 1993; 26 (1): 45-50 and 1999; 53: 113-17. However, the practical solution to solve the problem of oxygen deficiency has escaped researchers - probably because they did not know where to start.

Taking hydrogen peroxide, calcium supplements, fish oil supplements, massive amounts of omega-3, ozone or so-called "hydrogen peroxide" will not solve the deficiency of oxygen at the cell level. Nobody has been able until now to carry forward the discovery Dr. Warburg.

This lack of understanding explains many of the misunderstood biochemical activities related to cancer that waste precious time and not actually lead anywhere. Only anti-cancer discovery of Dr. Warburg predict many real life results that have not been explained until now.

Dr Warburg's discovery has been verified many times, both by transforming normal cells into cancer cells and by demonstrating that the disease does not develop into well-oxygenated areas. Surprisingly, American physicians who conclusively proved it in 1953 and confirmed it in 1955! Goldblatt and Cameron were observed (pg. 535) (J. Experimental Medicine 1953; 97: 535-552) that once were to the cell damage is too great, no amount of oxygen will return to a normal cell respiration: this It is forever doomed to a cancerous life.

Therefore, prevention is the ultimate solution to never contracting cancer. They confirmed opportunity to prevent a precancerous cell due to "breathing influence" carcinogenic to become permanent if oxygen deficiency is stopped early enough.

A Revolutionary Recipe for Joint Pain

For this recipe you need only two magic ingredients:

  • 100 ml fish oil


Peel the ginger and put it in small grated, then mix with fish oil until you get a homogeneous mixture.

The preparation thus obtained is used:

- External - massage, inflamed areas before bed, covering the area with plastic wrap, leaving preparation to take effect throughout the night.

- Internal - eat a teaspoon of this mixture before bed.

To get maximum efficiency can be combined with external and internal treatment every night until symptoms disappear. Effects should appear in a maximum of ten days!

The efficiency of this blend is the date that has anti-inflammatory effects on the joints ginger, plus the benefits of omega 3 fatty acids, which are found in abundance in oily fish. Omega 3 fatty acids have a beneficial effect not only on the heart, they including the ability to adjust the level of uric acid in the blood, especially when combined with ginger.

An Elixir That Should Be Consumed by Everyone

Solarize Green Water  is healthy release mental blocks and heal emotional wounds. After using it, you will be more positive, calmer and more creative.

Solarize Green Water, help us return to a pure state, in which there are no negative thoughts.

All we need is a green bottle color is not important, which is filled with filtered or spring water and the lid must be cork. We leave the bottle in the sun for 1 hour up to 12 hours.

Why a bottle of green?

Green is the purest and most lively color of the entire light spectrum. This color is associated with rest, relaxation, sleep, regeneration and communication.
Green is effective for meditation, communication, spiritual development and for maintaining high-level mental qualities.
Green is very soothing to the nervous system. This color has great efficiency in the treatment of headaches in case of sleep disorders.

Why we should use Solarize Green Water ?

Solarize Green Water is used both for internal use, very good antibacterial, antiviral and eliminating toxins from the body; and for external use, having anti-inflammatory and soothing and accelerate scarring.

This water has a beneficial role for dry and dehydrated skin.

Against sweating, uses this water gently massaging the problem area.

Solarize Green Water, it has a strong microbial effect to brushing teeth or even mouthwash.

In the case of tired legs is a foot bath with Solarize Green Water.

Against headaches, soak a towel in Solarize Green Water, squeeze it and put it on his forehead.

If digestive diseases, drink a cup every half hour.

When taken at bedtime, relieves insomnia and help you sleep better.

Secret Cure That Gets Rid of Cancer

This cure has maximum effectiveness in treating cancer. For this you need five ingredients that you find in your kitchen:
  • 3 liters of vodka 40-60
  • Chicory - 30 g
  • Agrimonia eupatoria - 30 g

  • Shirt walnuts (walnut kernels that which divides into two parts) - three punches.
Plants shirt walnuts macerated together in vodka for 2 weeks. It is used in breakfast, lunch and dinner, 50-100 ml of this solution.
The amount consumed depends on disease severity, patient age, patient's condition. If you consume hard, can be diluted with water. It is recommended to use the remedy spring and fall. The recipe is not toxic, and healthy people can consume it preventively, a 50 ml once or twice a day.


Discovery: Plants that Help Increase Muscle Mass

Recent studies have shown that certain chemicals called brasinosteroids present in the leaves brown mustard and other plants of the Brassica family, such as cabbage or broccoli, triggers a physiological response similar to that created by anabolic steroids.

Scientists believe that these substances from plants can provide a safe and natural alternative treatment to prevent diseases associated with muscle damage.

Experts believe they could improve muscle strength and physical performance of individuals.

Scientists at the State University of North Carolina and Rutgers were taken from skeletal muscle cells of rats and exposed them to different amounts of a substance called homobrasinolid.

It was found that muscle cells respond to brasinolid by increasing protein synthesis and decrease protein degradation process in cell cultures. This resulted in a significant increase in the amount of muscle protein.

The next step of the research was based on feeding rats with homobrasinolid for 24 days. Meanwhile, experts have measured the changes you the weight, food consumption and body composition.

Rats that were fed the plant steroid recorded an increase in muscle mass greater than that observed among those who did not receive such substances.

The study results indicated an increase in the number of muscle fibers crucial for improving physical performance. The findings suggest that therapies based on brasinosteroids may represent a viable approach for restoring injured or atrophied muscles.

The Seasoning, Which Protect Japanese Emperors Poisoning!

Wasabi is a plant that belongs to the cruciferous family, like horseradish, cauliflower and mustard. A native of the Japanese archipelago, it exists in several versions - both wild and cultivated, but only two are used in cooking: wasabi japonica durum and wasabi japonica Mazuma.

Wasabi's medicinal properties, in Asian cultures considered a remedy against poisons, have been studied first time in the sixteenth century the Portuguese arrived in the realms of religious fundamentalists Japanese. Although they rejected the idea that wasabi could be a miracle herb, modern science has proved that he is a very powerful antioxidant and an antibacterial effective, thanks to a compound called isothiocyanate.

Pungent taste and strong arms, characteristic for wasabi, are closer to those of mustard, than of paprika or pepper.

Aroma's wasabi, on very volatile compounds, is perceived rather in the sinus cavity and less on language. Wasabi's medicinal properties, in Asian cultures considered a remedy against poisons, have been studied first time in the sixteenth century the Portuguese arrived in the realms of religious fundamentalists Japanese.

For several years, is trying isolation wasabi isothiocyanat content to be incorporated in various products such as toothpaste, because the compound can inhibit the bacteria that cause the main, caries.

Three Miraculous Ingredients that Fight Against the Cancer

Brazilian priest Zego Romano was the first person who prepared and consumed this combination in order to cure cancer.

Ingredients needed:

200 grams of fresh leaves of Aloe Vera

2 tablespoons 40% alcohol (vodka can be used)

200 grams of acacia honey.

The washings and clean of thorns, the leaves of Aloe Vera. Cut the leaves into small pieces, then put in blender. Mix with honey and crushed leaves with alcohol, until you give a homogeneous mixture. Everything is put into a jar and store the mixture in the refrigerator. The mixture needs to sit 48 hours before being consumed.

Drink a teaspoon of this mixture three times a day. It is administered prior to 30 minutes before each meal. This treatment lasts six months per year, one month so, not one month, for 12 months.

Treat Cancer, Heal Liver, Spleen Pain Reliever and is an Excellent Antidote Against Poisonous Mushrooms

Apsinthos in the Greek text, translated as "wormwood" in English language versions of the Bible, is thought to be Artemisia herba-alba.

Wormwood is said that strengthens the stomach. The best effect is to be boiled in rainwater and drinking after left out in the open, too cool. Wormwood treats various stomach problems: remove worms, relaxes and soothes stomach pains most violent. It is a good diuretic and emmenagogue.
Miraculous effects of wormwood are: 

    Wormwood can be used to treat cancer, a study conducted at Washington University (USA). Researchers tested a drug against cancer whose active substance is extracted from the wormwood. Experiments in animals have shown that the extract of Artemisia, promotes the destruction of cancer cells in the case of leukemia, breast cancer and prostate cancer. Traditional methods of treatment not only destroys cancer cells but also healthy ones. "Wormwood extract kills cancer cells and only 12,000 healthy one. However, we still need a few years of experimentation to prove that wormwood is 100% safe in treating cancer, "says the study published in the Washington Profile.

    Shredded and mixed with honey wine along with some lavender, sage is recommended as a drink, women during the cycle. The same effect is achieved if you apply a compress on the belly wool soaked in the mixture.

    Mixed with wicker, lavender and vinegar, sage combat nausea.

    It can boil, also come along with some route, salt and pepper, thereby obtaining a beverage which cures stomach malaise.   

    Crumble vinegar, or burned, drives mosquitoes.

    Swallowed green with lavender cure liver and drinking vinegar, spleen pain reliever and is an excellent antidote against poisonous mushrooms.

    Combined with wine, neutralize the effects of hemlock and helps heal wounds caused by animal bites.

    Massage with honey and wormwood easy to rinse and bruises to disappear.

    Wormwood burned emit smoke canal, and the plant, shredded, mixed with honey and applied to the ears, eases the misery that obscures the leak.

    Cataplasm wormwood also reduces inflammation caused by a recent injury, especially to the head.

    Itch disappears, using just a few drops of decoction of the wormwood plant macerated in wine and combat seasickness.

    Wrapped in a cloth and applied in the groin, wormwood "dissolved" tumors. Placed under the pillow of the patient, without his knowledge, he falls asleep due to strong smells.

    Wormwood ash darkens hair. Put in cabinets, drives moths

    Mixed with honey, reduces inflammation to disappear pale tongue and around the eyes.

    When applied in the form of poultice, the spleen, wormwood decongestions and mixed with honey and placed in the uterus facilitate the flow of blood.

    A decoction prepared from fresh wormwood oil and used as a poultice is very effective in combating stomach ache.


Medicinal Uses of Horseradish

Horseradish is an aromatic plant of the cabbage family, from which only uses root almost always fresh and sometimes pickled.

Horseradish first appeared over 3,000 years ago and was used especially in England, by the working class. The root is used as an aphrodisiac aromatic spice or cure rheumatism.

Horseradish root contains a lot of vitamin C, useful circulatory and immune systems. It also contains important minerals, such as iron, potassium, calcium and magnesium.

The handiest way to capitalize is grating horseradish medicinally too. The main purpose is to decongest the airways.

We can also tame the cough, if we prepare a mixture of a few tablespoons of grated horseradish with a little honey. We recommend a teaspoon of cough in crises.

Who wants to have a strong heart and young blood vessels must make a friend horseradish because it contains substances help regulate blood pressure, or anticoagulants, improves elasticity of blood vessels and stimulates circulation in the peripheral areas.

Horseradish is rich in vitamins and minerals, nutritionists and doctors say that this spice is considered a natural antibiotic because it has properties beneficial in the fight against germs that threaten our health.

In addition, its composition, horseradish helps to destroy cancer cells in the body, and experts say that if people living with this disease, the spice suppresses the growth of cancer cells in the organism.

For people who suffer from sinusitis or rhinitis, doctors say that these conditions may be easily alleviated if put a compress on the forehead with horseradish, because this plant has the capacity to immediately unplug nose. For bronchitis, pneumonia or seasonal influenza is recommended essentially horseradish soaked bandages. It puts a compress on the chest and will be left about an hour. Experts say that if a burning sensation occurs, the compress should be removed immediately. At the same time, horseradish, say doctors, is a rich source of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, especially at this time, taking away the cold.

In addition, doctors, nutritionists say that the substance that gives spicy taste of horseradish increases the secretion of gastric juice and restores appetite in people with anorexia and anemia.

On the other hand, horseradish has the ability to act on fats is recommended for people who are dieting.

Do not use horseradish on an empty stomach because it can be irritating to the stomach lining!
People with thyroid problems will consume horseradish in small quantities because it contains goitrogenic.

The Beneficial Effects of Ginger

Ginger is a root node that has a pungent smell pungent and can be used as a cure for many medical conditions. This spice was first used now more than 5000 years. Ginger was used both in cooking and medicine. The greatest virtue of this root is the power of improving the nausea, the vomiting and digestive problems.

Ginger relieves the following conditions: sunburn, bloating, headaches, morning sickness, indigestion, cholesterol, menstruation problems, colds, cough, irritated colon, ulcers, hives, etc.

Ginger contains gingerol and shogaol. These chemicals reduce intestinal contractions and inhibits feeling sick. This natural remedy does not cause somnolence as antiemetic drugs. In addition, ginger is good for any time of nausea or vomiting (surgery, chemotherapy etc.). Chemical compounds in ginger have antispasmodic properties and soothe painful contractions of the uterus.

This miracle plant can be used easiest adding it to food being cooked as any other ingredient. If you normally take effect only plants is consumed in large quantities, ginger should be eaten in small quantities and will make sure rapid beneficial effect on our body.

Health benefits of ginger are spectacular, here's why:

Helps Digestion

According to experts, a good digestion is shielded against chronic disease. Consumption of ginger root, soothes abdominal pain and accelerates fat burning.

Relieves Respiratory Disorders

With a glass of fresh juice made from ginger and carrot, symptoms of asthma or other breathing disorder that prevents normal may decrease.

It has anti-inflammatory effect

An effective remedy for those suffering from arthritis is gingerol, a substance contained in ginger, similar effect as ibuprofen noting that not "attack" the stomach as with the painkiller.

Prevent Colds and Flu

Ginger prevents colds and flu and has been used for thousands of years in Asia as a remedy for colds and influenzas case. Researchers from the University of Maryland Medical Center says, to treat symptoms of colds and flu, adults should drink prepared by infusing infusion of ginger 2 tablespoons grated ginger in hot water. Drinks consumed 2 times per day. Ginger tea is a powerful painkiller against inflammation neck febrile state, hoarseness and other symptoms that occur with "sinful" cold.

Fights CancerIt was proven ginger tea consumed as those undergoing chemotherapy treatment. Consumed daily, it prevents the development of cancer cells in the ovaries, colon and liver.

Lowers Cholesterol

According to recent studies, ginger lowers blood cholesterol, reduce heart disease, helps improve blood circulation. Being full of antioxidants, it prevents infections of consumption, helping to maintain immunity.

Calm Morning Sickness

A cup of tea consumed every two days helps to soothe morning sickness that can occur in pregnant women. It can consume with confidence having no contraindications in this case.

Maintaining Blood Flow

Ginger helps maintain good blood circulation. Ginger contains chromium, magnesium and zinc that help streamline blood, while protecting and cardiovascular system.

Prevention of Colon Cancer

Ginger contribute to the prevention of colon cancer. According to a study by the University of Minnesota, ginger may slow the growth of colorectal cancer cells.

Ovarian Cancer

Ginger is used in the treatment of ovarian cancer, ovarian cancer cells helping to annihilation.


Ginger can be used to treat and relieve common respiratory problems. It is an excellent natural expectorant, effective in calming cough and throat irritation.
Consumed in moderation, this plant is a true source of health. Maybe, but this adverse reactions. For those with a sensitive stomach, it can cause burns and combined with analgesics, bleeding.

What Says Smoking About Us?

Breathing is a rhythmic process has two phases: inspiration and expiration. Rhythm is the basis of everything is alive. I'll try to replace inspiration with coupling and expiration with decoupling. There was a sigh of inspiration that leads to coupling, and a sigh of breath, leading to decoupling.

Goethe has made a very beautiful word:

"The breathing are two graces,

Taking over the air and download it,

The first press us, the two refreshes us,

So wonderful life consists."

All ancient languages use the same word for breath - soul or spirit. In Latin, spirare, means of breathing, and Spiritus means spirit - a root of words, which is to be found in the word inspiration, which means, literally, "to take breath", which is inextricably linked to inspiration and pickup inside. In Greek, psyche, means breath and soul. This description shows very nicely how the material is blown body, something that does not come from the creative - divine breath. The blast, which comes from the field located beyond the established, makes man a living being energized.

Breathing unites us all. As would delineate the man himself - breathing it merges with everyone and anyone. Respiratory air between us unites us, whether we want it or not. Breathing is closely related to the "Connection" and "Contact". This connection between what comes from outside and its own corporeality takes place in the alveoli. Lungs have an internal surface of about seventy square meters, while the surface of our skin can reach up to a meter and a half-two square meters. Lungs body represents our largest contact surface. The connection you establish the lungs is indirect, but is required.

The first inspiration begins our life. With his last breath, an conclude. But with the first inspiration and make the first step into the outside world. If someone weighing inspire air, often seen afraid to take the first step in its freedom. The freedom act of cutting off his breathing, triggering fear.

Smoking is directly related to respiratory and lungs. Communication skills, interpersonal contact are through breathing. Smoking is trying to stimulate and satisfy these areas. The cigarette becomes a substitute for communication.

We must ask ourselves certain questions when light a cigarette:

1. What does not want to give out on me?

2. With what I do not want to get in contact?

3. What do we want to communicate and we cannot?

4. I am really afraid to take a step in a new freedom?

Never forget that when we feel the desire to light a cigarette, there is fear! The only cure for fear is a junction, dilation. Expansion is achieved by leaving inside of the avoided!


What is not known about onions

Onion is a food rich in vitamin C, fiber, folic acid, vitamin B6 and magnesium and low in saturated fat, sodium and cholesterol. Onions has the composition and carbohydrates, but also significant amounts of potassium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, iodine, copper, vitamin A, E, C, B complex vitamins and substances with antiseptic properties.
Onions perfect nutritional values to get rid of excess fat and cholesterol.
The onion is diuretic that promotes excretion of sodium in the body and has the property to relieve cough and unclog the airways. It is well known that onion is a very natural sleeping pill bunl. Nervous and agitated states can also be soothed with a crushed onions, which he must keep close to nose. Onions are considered to be the most powerful natural detoxifier. Onions to be eaten raw, can be red onions, white onions and yellow onions, green onions too. Onions has the ability to significantly decrease the risk of developing lung cancer.
Medicines with onions
Make a decoction of dried onion from which to drink half a liter per day.
Drink two cups per day decoction of onion. Take two whole onions, complete with shell, medium size, wash and boil in a cup and a half of water for fifteen minutes. Drink warm decoction, sweetened or not, on an empty stomach.
It eats at night before bedtime, raw onion. 
It makes an onion soak in a glass to drink at lunch and in the evening.
Is prepared from onions, onions solution obtained in four left to soak for a day, in one liter of warm water in the drinking two cups daily. If you have a stuffy nose, it is enough to grate an onion, to put in two small pieces of gauze in his nose. If you wrap a piece of gauze and put onions in your ear at night, it is an excellent natural remedy for foot drop.
Fatigue and Overwork intellectual, Cholelithiasis
It consumes raw onion.
Take 10 to 15 drops of tincture of onion per day.
Frostbite, burns, warts 
It compresses with onion juice on the affected. Also for frostbite, Forunculosis felon is used baked onions - onions put in the oven, allow to soften and then apply on the affected area.
The Crisis of Nerves
It can be stopped if it inspires strong several times an onion cut in two.
It uses onion syrup - are cleaned and cut into julienne onions. Add a cup of water and two tablespoons of sugar, then boil. After the boil, sieved and kept in jars.
Insect bites
Use onion juice - it gives a little grated onion and the juice is used for massaging the affected areas.
Bronchitis, Bronchiolitis and Cough
Onions baked applied to the chest or neck in a sterile gauze, miracles. Baked onion poultices are held all night. Onion syrup can be used in cures of three weeks, during which three teaspoons of syrup consumed daily. Persistent cough and whooping cough can be treated by decoction of onions, or infusion of onions with honey.
Tincture of onions with a teaspoon of honey three times a day before main meals.
Compress soles onions (onions socks) produce a relief in case of diseases such as pneumonia (only with doctor's opinion), flu, fever, earache, toothache.
"Socks with onions" can be used by adults and children (from 6 months).
It is very important that your feet and body to be well heated. The legs should remain warm throughout the application.
Preparation - Take 4 onions (2 onions each leg), cut into thick slices and place on a thin cotton cloth. Fold the edges over the onions and heat compress on the back of a cover sitting on a pot of boiling water. Pressured then compress between your palms, to crushed onions and place it on the bottom and then pulling a wool sock over it. The foot must remain hot (you can use a hot water bottle). The compress can be kept overnight
Obesity, diets
Onion soup with chopped onions 4-6 to boil with a little chopped cabbage and parsley root. Drink 250 ml of soup daily.
Take a red onion peel, or more depending on the area to be covered (inflamed and painful area) and little crush. Apply the juicy onion peel at No. damaged, and topped it with plastic food wrap that broadband fixed with scotch. Spread the place beforehand will apply onion with butter, olive oil or coconut oil. After 1 to 2 hours you will see that the pain recedes.
If you want to completely heal and pain will not reoccur in another change of weather repeat procedure crane 1 month. It's enough to put the onion-skin once daily (at bedtime) an hour. Where already became chronic illness is likely to appear when the pain is high humidity in the atmosphere but will be of moderate intensity.

Precautions and contraindications
Onions are consumed with caution by patients suffering from gastritis, colitis fermentation and those with irritable colon. There are quite a few people who have a digestive intolerance smaller or larger onions. If ingestion of onions may inhibit their gastric peristalsis, it can slow down the digestive process, up to the appearance of the nausea and indigestion strong. In these cases the dose of onion will be reduced to the limit of endurance, the body is gradually accustomed to this remedy. It indicated that after taking the onions to eat a sour orange, and then long to chew its strongly scented bark (to adjust breath odor).

WAW! Celandine. Cure for over 99 Diseases!

Celandine is recommended as a remedy in over 143 diseases, from skin diseases to cancer or viral infections.
Celandine preparations based on vasodilating effects, antispasmodic, analgesic and stimulates digestive secretions. Externally it has action: antiseptic, antibacterial, regenerative, healing and antitumor.
Celandine is recommended herbal therapy of liver disease, in wound healing of skin diseases, warts, in cases of jaundice, constipation, rheumatism etc.
Biliary Dyskinesia
A group of Romanian researchers, led by Dr. Hriscu A. demonstrated exceptional effects of celandine in combat biliary disorders including dyskinesia. It manages powder, a pinch each taken three times per day at 8am, 13 and 19. This treatment is time of 30 days, followed by 10 days of rest, then may resume. It has an efficiency unmatched by any synthetic drug. The treatment is very effective for preventing gallstones.
 Biliary Migraine, Migraine
Take a teaspoon of powder celandine on an empty stomach, as a single dose for 24 hours. The effects are spectacular: in less than an hour, bile is drained, headaches and nausea disappear, as well as excessive sensitivity to noise, light and odors. Treatment is occasionally when the headaches and other symptoms of migraine.
Indigestion and Dyspepsia
According to research German doctor J. C. Bauman, no medicine more effective as celandine in treating digestion problems. Half a teaspoon of tincture of Celandine, administered four times daily, reduces nausea, strongly stimulates the production of gastric juices and bile, eliminates discomfort, heaviness in the stomach, which occurs in case of indigestion. Each dose of celandine is taken 10 minutes before meals. Keep cures of 3 weeks.
Digestive Spasms
They tackled celandine tincture, which is taken 3-4 teaspoons a day. Treatment is symptomatic, whenever spasms occur, it tackled certain plant substances (alkaloids) prompt relaxing the smooth muscles of the digestive tract.
Oral Herpes and Genital Herpes
The combat, both internally and externally, using celandine tincture. Internal administered a teaspoon of tincture three times a day in the course of 12 days. For external use, combine celandine tincture, in equal proportions, with propolis tincture and apply drip (not with cotton tampon) to the affected area 4-6 times a day. The effects are rapid and lasting.
a recipe that do wonders in this disease: five grams of dried and shredded celandine scald with a liter of boiling water and leave to infuse for 12 hours, in an enamelled bowl (the extract should not come in contact with metals) . Ideal is to prepare infusion at six o'clock in the evening and six in the morning to sneak in when we add 200 grams of acacia honey or polyfloral (no other kind) and mix well. Take a tablespoon of this mixture every hour before or after eating. After 2 months of treatment, the symptoms disappear.
Liver diseases
Celandine is a great stimulant of liver function. It is administered as a powder, a pinch each (about 0.5 grams) 4 times per day, in the course of 21 days, 7-10 days of rest. It is an excellent remedy for people with liver disease appeared after intoxications and poisonings, infections with hepatitis.
Celandine is about to provoke a strong debate in the world of specialists, related to treating cancer disease. The "fault" are former Soviet researchers who studied the effects of Celandine on cancer for several decades and have even created a semi-synthetic drug derived from it: "Ukrain". From their research results that celandine juice applied to the affected areas of skin cancer, but the tumors externalized, do wonders, while powder taken internally improve the condition of cancer patients. Take a quarter teaspoon of powder celandine 4 times a day, in the course of two months, 3 weeks of rest. It is a remedy with certain immunomodulatory effects (help destroy malignant cells by the immune system) and a possible direct cytostatic. According to the researchers Russians and Ukrainians, celandine active substances are effective in pancreatic cancer, ovarian cancer, pharyngeal, ano-rectal, colon, breast, liver. Viral hepatitis - French phytotherapist Maurice Messegue very effectively treated the disease in an unusual way: with bathrooms with combined infusion of celandine. In every evening, make hand and foot baths with hot water, which put 1-2 liters of combined infusion of celandine. Hold each member while in the bath for 15 minutes, then dab lightly with a towel (do not rinse and do not wipe). It is a gentle and effective treatment, the active principles of the plant are taken up by peripheral blood circulation and is transported to the liver, where it exerts its therapeutic action.
Celandine is haematopoietic, that helps blood formation, it is recommended to treat leukemia. Make a mixture of nettles, elderberry branches and celandine, 2 teaspoons dried herbs 250 ml boiling water and drink 2 liters a day.
Is recommended to use a tincture of 10 drops, 4-6 times per day.
Drink sips 2-3 cups daily infusion.
They can treat using compressions and juice celandine infusion.
Cataract and spots on the cornea, retinal bleeding and retinal detachment
Celandine juice is recommended. Take a leaf from the plant, washed and pressed her fingers strain emerges until an orange liquid. The extracted juice is rubbed into his eye lids.
It consumes and powdered plant infusion daily affected areas with celandine powder.
It cured by treatment with celandine ointment. Powder is prepared from 30 g to 15 g grease celandine, to which are added 10 ml of olive oil. With this mixture anoint the wounds and bandaged. The dressing must stay for 2-3 days, after which it can be changed by repeating the process until healing eczema.
Warts can be "erased" from the skin all celandine juice. The liquid applied to the affected area, dabbing gently several times in a minute, and the liquid is allowed to act in depth. Repeat every morning and evening. In one month and a half of treatment the warts will disappear.
Celandine correct administration

1. Powder
It is obtained by grinding the dried stems as fine celandine electric coffee grinder. Store the powder is sealed in glass jars, in dark and cold over a period of maximum 3 weeks. It is usually administered 3-4 times per day at one-quarter teaspoon (about 1 g), under fasting conditions.
2. Tincture
Place in a jar with screw celandine powder 15 tablespoons, plus more than two glasses (400 ml) of alcohol, 50 degrees. Stopper the jar was sealed and allowed to soak for two weeks, after which it was filtered, and the tincture obtained is put into small bottles, dark. Is administered four times a day, 50-100 drops, diluted in a little water.
3. Infusion combined
Place 3-4 tablespoons minced celandine to soak in half a liter of water, time of 8-10 hours, then filtered. The resulting preparation was put aside, and the remaining after the filtration plant is boiled in the another half a liter of water for five minutes, then allowed to cool and filtered. Finally, mix the two extracts to give about one liter of the preparation, which is mainly used externally in the form of compresses, gargle and bath water.
Attention! It can become toxic!
Because of the large number of alkaloids content, celandine is extremely toxic if the recommended dose is exceeded. Regardless of condition, you can not manage by an adult weighing 75 kilograms more than 4 g of dried plant every day. Exceeding the recommended dose leading to complications such as gastroenteritis, cough, breathing problems, digestive spasms, hallucinations and cardiac disorders. Not recommended for children under 12 years.
It is prohibited to pregnant or nursing women consume celandine preparations.

Miraculous Drink That Kills any Infection in the Body

This drink not only kill even the most severe infection in the body but is also a very good revitalizing tonic.
Garlic, onion, horseradish, ginger, chilli, turmeric and apple cider vinegar are those that help the body eliminate infections and revitalize it. 
Below I will briefly the benefits of each ingredient and later give you the secret weapon of this beverage.

Apple Cider Vinegar help extraction of calcium from foods entering the mix, helping to maintain the bone strength. Potassium deficiency causes a variety of problems, including hair loss, brittle nails, tooth decay, sinusitis, etc. Apple cider vinegar is rich in potassium. Potassium eliminates toxic waste accumulated in the body. Apple cider vinegar contains malic acid, effective in fighting bacterial and fungal infections. More about Apple Cider Vinegar right here.
Garlic is a potent antibiotic with a broad range of health benefits. Garlic kills bacteria in the body unfriendly. Also, garlic, encourages and increases levels of healthy bacteria. More about Garlic here.
Horseradish is one of the most powerful plant is extremely efficient in the sinuses and lungs. Horseradish channels open sinuses and stimulates circulation. More about Horseradish here.
Ginger is a powerful incentive for the move and has strong anti-inflammatory properties. More about Ginger here.
Chili is the most powerful stimulator of movement. It acts as an antibiotic in the fight against disease. More here.
Turmeric is the spice most accomplished that clean the infection and reduce inflammation. Block prevents the development of cancer and dementia. It is particularly useful for those struggling with joint pain. More here. 
Onion, has a similar action as garlic, but little milder. Together with garlic creates a very strong duo in fighting disease. More about Onion here.

Secret weapon

Combine all ingredients in a bowl except apple vinegar as follows:
- 3 tablespoons finely chopped garlic
- 3 tablespoons chopped onion
- 2-3 finely chopped fresh chilies
- 3 tablespoons finely grated ginger
- 2 tablespoons finely grated horseradish
- 2 tablespoons turmeric root very fine race

Put all ingredients in a jar of dark then add 600 grams of apple cider vinegar. Close the jar and shake vigorously. Jar in a cool, dry place for 2 weeks in which Shake well 2-3 times a day. After 14 days, filter the liquid by means of a gauze.

The Miraculous Drink now is ready for use!


Drink 1 tbsp every day to strengthen the immune system and fight colds.
The amount will increase each day until a dose is reached about 1 cup of liquor.
If you have more serious or severe infections, take a tablespoon 4-5 times daily tonic.

Please note: The taste is very intense and powerful! It is recommended to eat a slice of orange or lemon after the drink to ease the burning sensation that it causes.

No dilution with water, because it loses its beneficial effect.
Warnings: who has stomach problems or acidity ... it can not consume!